6th Eurosummer School on Biorhelogy & Symposium on Micro and Nano Mechanics and Mechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems, Varna, Bulgaria, August 29th - September 1st, 2018
- Hemorheology and Microcirculation; In vivo Hemorheology and Hemodynamics
- Clinical Hemorheology and Hyperviscosity syndromes: Hemorheological disturbances in Cardiovascular, Cerebrovascular, Renal, Respiratory Diseases, Drug Abusers and others
- Rheology of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis
- Hemorheological Alterations in Atherosclerosis, Arterial hypertension, Diabetes, Aging
- Red Blood Cell Aggregation and Adhesion
- Cell Adhesion to Vascular Surface; Cell Interaction under Flow
- Micro and Nano Mechanics of Blood Cells and Vascular Cells
- Soft Tissues and Cell Mechanobiology
- Micro and Nano Mechanics and Rheology of Living Cells
- Mechanobiology of Biomolecules and Cells; Cell and Tissue Biorheology
- Food Rheology
- Bio- and Hemorheological Measurements, Technology and Equipment
- Optical, Ultrasound, Electrorheological Methods and Mechanical Properties of Tissues
- Computational Biofluid Mechanics, Cell Biology, Systems Biology
- Multidisciplinary Research in Biorheology
- Tissue Engineering and Implantantable Tissue Structures
- Biomechanics of Tissues, Organs and Systems
- Other related free topics